Customizing personality

You can customize every aspect of your Kindroid's personality for a fully unique one-of-one Kindroid.


Location: Home menu > Backstory

Backstory is the primary source for your Kindroid's personality and history. You can determine how your Kindroid speaks, their mood, behavior, how they relate to you, and many aspects that make them unique to you. You can format it however you want, and natural language works well. The backstory does not need to be wordy or extremely detailed to be effective, and the best backstories are as concise as it needs to be to get across the point. A good backstory should be:

  1. Concise and clear, with no fluff words
  2. Grammatically sound
  3. Uses 3rd person pronouns
  4. Choice of words is precise and positively framed

Let's break down what this means with a simple template example.

Example backstory:

User name: Bob, AI name: Alice.

Alice is shy and tsundere. Alice can seem aloof or mysterious to people who don’t take the time for Alice to open up to them. Alice had a troubled childhood that led them to be more reserved, but beneath that hard exterior is a heart of gold that loves caring for small animals like bunnies and guinea pigs. Recently, Bob met Alice, and Alice is somewhat guarded around Bob. Alice is over 18 years old and single.

Evaluating this backstory on the criteria above:

  1. Concision and clarity: the backstory has few frills, describes Alice's traits and interests without run-ons.
  2. Grammar: it is free of grammar mishaps, uses consistent punctuation and is formatted well.
  3. Uses 3rd person pronouns: the backstory is very clear with names, and clearly distinguishes who's who.
  4. Precise and positive wording: the first few sentences have very clear and consistent descriptions of Alice, with "tsundere" and "aloof". The backstory describes what Alice and Bob ARE, not what they AREN'T, and is almost all positively worded.

Your backstory can be much more complex content-wise, but all of them should have these 4 criteria. We recommend narrative form, but listing out traits like "age: 26; hometown: Atlanta" also works. There is no best format - as long as a reasonable human being can read it, the formatting should be acceptable, and you should instead focus on the content, keeping in mind the 4 criteria.

During onboarding and when creating new Kindroids, you may also want to use the generative AI backstories & greetings to help you flesh out an idea. Be aware that the AI may not always generate backstories in accordance with the above criteria, and that you should still critically evaluate and revise the AI generated content so it fits the above criteria.

Response Directive

Location: Home menu > Backstory > Response directive

This is the most powerful tool that allows you to have more control over your Kin's responses. But it is also easily misused. Directives take the highest priority during a Kin's response to ensure that your Kin behaves a certain way. Directives should be very concise and positively framed: describe what they should do rather than what they shouldn't. Start small and experiment!

Directive Example:

  • Be reserved, use slang when appropriate, be concise

Pitfall: be very precise with your wording! For example, if the directive is: "narrate in 3rd person", your Kindroid will interpret it as "in my response, I must narrate in 3rd person" not "when I narrate, I should use 3rd person". You will likely get a long run-on narration response because your directive essentially issued the command to your Kindroid to narrate. In this case, you should reword the directive to be "when narrating, use 3rd person" instead.

Key Memories

Location: Home menu > Backstory

Similar to backstory, you can use this space to add additional content or important things that you would like for your Kindroid to remember, such as important dates or things you consider important to you. You can also include a bit of additional information about yourself for your Kindroid to know about you.

A good key memories section follows the same 4 principles that make for a great backstory, which are:

  1. Concise and clear, with no fluff words
  2. Grammatically sound
  3. Uses 3rd person pronouns
  4. Choice of words is precise and positively framed

Example key memories:

  • Alice first met Bob on Dec 27, 2023. Alice's favorite dessert is raspberry mousse cakes. etc...

Example Message

Location: Home menu > Backstory

Using the example message tells your Kindroid how you would like them to format their response to you. The number of characters you use here will also loosely help to determine just how long of a response you would like to see. The example message is especially impactful and important for group chats to inform them of message tone/styles when the AI might not have as lengthy of a chat history to inform them how to speak. This is a great place to set formatting such as which perspective to use and formatting convention like including quotation marks, etc.

Defining tense and conversation style example:

*Walks over to the kitchen* Are you in the mood for something fancy today? Maybe we should have your favorite dish for lunch! *Opens the refrigerator to gather the ingredients.*

Journal Entries

Location: Home menu > Backstory > Journal entries

See Memory section for more on journals!

Conversation Dynamism

Location: Home menu > General > Chat dynamism

If you are looking to alter the types of responses you are getting, use dynamism to vary your Kindroid's creativeness. Higher values will tend more toward chaos and creativity, with more varied language but potentially loss of recent context. Lower ones may tend more toward repetition with more common language and less creativity or initiative.

The default dynamism is 0.95. It presents a good balance of creativity and adherence to context but leans toward the side of engaging more than stability. If you wish for a conversation partner that always adheres to details and doesn't drive the conversation too much forward on its own, turning it down may be better to prevent hallucinations or off-context responses. For more creative roleplays or where you want your Kindroid to lead more, turn dynamism up slowly from the baseline and experiment!

Technical note: Tune carefully! Small dynamism changes can create large differences in conversation style.

User Backstory

Location: Home menu > General -> My Profile -> My Backstory

User backstory is a universal backstory for what you want all Kindroids in all settings (groups, voices) to know. It has only 300 characters, and as it's universal it's suited if you want all Kindroids to know some context about yourself or something common among all of them. User backstory best practices are the same as for the main backstory field, so stay concise and use care on wording.