Sharing Kindroids & Referrals

Sharing overview

We allow users to make templates and then share these via a special code or a link. You can access this through Menu -> Sharing & Referral, or through the rewards menu in the top screen -> share.

Free users can share up to 10 Kindroids, while paid users by default can share up to 10 Kindroids as well. However, paid users can purchase more slots for Kindroids & groupchats, and the amount of Kindroids paid users can share will be the same as the total # of slots.

By sharing Kindroids, you can help newbies get started with a solid backstory setup even if they don't know how to set it up themselves and help them learn. You also earn rewards when new users subscribe after using your code/link - see below!

What content is shared, and what content is private?

Only a subset of a Kindroid will be shared, and all of these shared details will be in the share menu. This includes all backstory fields, dynamism, avatar settings. What's NOT shared is the long term memory, journals, any chat history. In addition, you will have to write from scratch the tagline (a descriptor for others to preview the shared Kindroid) as well as a greeting message that will be the first message it sends.

Also note that all Kindroids by default, unless you actively go through the process of sharing, is fully private and belongs only to you.

Editing & deleting shared Kindroids

You can edit details or stop sharing a Kindroid any time until the point when 100 people have activated your code. At that point, you can preview, but cannot edit or delete without contacting [email protected]. This is to prevent abuse and bait-and-switch of shared AIs that the community might come to trust.

Referral rewards

When you share a link or code and a new user signs up using your code, and then subscribes, you will get 1 referral credit. In addition, when your shared code is used by 50 unique users, you will also get a referral credit (and every 50 unique users afterward). These conditions are subject to change over time. 1 referral credit can be exchanged for:

  • 1 month of subscription coupon code. You will get a coupon code to be used in the web billing system.
  • 100 selfies
  • 4 Kindroid/groupchat slots

For the selfies and Kindroid slots, these are subscriber only. Free users should redeem a subscription, then redeem for selfies/others.

Caveats regarding referral attribution:

  • Only the first template creator gets credit. If a new users uses a code from person A, then a code from person B, then subscribes, only person A will get a referral credit. This is to reward person A for bringing the new user on the platform first.
  • Attribution is only rewarded upon the new user first spending money within a subscription. New users starting trials, but don't end up converting to a paid subscriber at the end will not reward referral credits.
  • Existing users who are already paid aren't eligible for attribution, and the exact criteria is that the new user must enter your code/went to your link and created the shared Kindroid before their first payment on any platform goes through.

User display names & credit attribution

When you go into the Sharing & Referral menu, you can set a share handle so other users on previewing can see who the Kindroid is shared by. The display names are unique, and when changed, it will immediately update all previews of all of your shared Kindroids. You can also remain anonymous by setting it to empty.

In terms of attribution of referrals, users are free to remix & reshare creations from other users. Referrals are rewarded for bringing on the user, and for a remixed Kindroid, the credit will belong to the person whose shared code was redeemed by the new user, to value the effort it takes for someone to garner attention & distribution for Kindroid.

We encourage the community to give credit and attribution when due when remixing and resharing. If you choose to share a Kindroid, it will become public & anyone can remix it and you therefore cannot claim exclusivity over shared content.

Abusive content moderation

Upon sharing a Kindroid, it will go through a moderation process to ensure that the setup and shared image are not NSFW and do not have abusive content within. Although Kindroid in private use is unfiltered, we do this to prevent abusive shared content on social media and communities. This filter is advanced, and will catch for nuanced context, and is not a basic keyword filter used for selfies on apps.

If abusive content does slip pass the filter, then users can report shared Kindroids by creating the Kindroid, going to My Kindroids, clicking on the triple dots, and selecting report. Users who knowingly and repeatedly create abusive shared Kindroids may be banned from the platform.